
Since September 2021, I’ve been a postdoctoral researcher working with Chloé Clavel and Matthieu Labeau, first at Télécom-Paris and now with the ALMAnaCH team at INRIA, in Paris.
I did my PhD at the LISN lab (former LIMSI), Paris-Saclay University, under the supervision of Marianna Apidianaki and Alexandre Allauzen.
My thesis, defended in June 2021, addresses the representation of different aspects of word meaning in neural language models. It was part of the ANR MultiSem project.
My broad research area is Natural Language Processing (NLP), and more concretely I am focused on Computational Lexical Semantics, or how we can deal with words and their meaning computationally. I am interested in multiple aspects of meaning: (contextual) word meaning representation, paraphrasing, lexical style and connotation, semantic ambiguity, (near-)synonymy, tokenization and lexical semantic change, among others. In my postdoc, I investigate the dynamics of word meaning in dialog: how speakers understand, negotiate and adapt their word usage in interaction.
- Oct 2024: Joined INRIA’s ALMAnaCH team as a postdoctoral researcher.
- May 2024: Attended LREC-COLING and gave a talk at the CS department of the University of Turin.
- Jan 2024: Our paper on the semantic quality of split-word representations has been accepted to TACL!
- Jul 2023: Our SICon paper on lexico-semantic alignment received the Outstanding Paper Award!
- Aug 2022: One paper accepted at COLING 2022!
- Jul 2022: Gave a talk at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubjana, Slovenia.
- Apr 2022: Our paper on polysemy in conversation and written texts has been accepted to LREC 2022!
- Sep 2021: I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at Télécom Paris.
- Jun 24, 2021: I defended my PhD thesis! You can find it here.
- Apr 2021: Our latest work has been accepted at NAACL 2021 and TACL!
- Sep 2020: Our paper on scalar adjective ranking with BERT has been accepted at EMNLP 2020!
- May 2020: Participated in SemEval 2020 task 3: Graded Word Similarity in Context.
- Feb 2020: Gave a talk at the Research Seminar Language Technology of the Department of Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki.